Let me begin with the fact that I have been avoiding writing this blog post because I want my otherwise healthy little boy to be just that - completely healthy. Unfortunately, Lucas is not completely healthy and it is a medical mystery what might be wrong with him. So, we went to Duke University Hospital last week to begin the journey down the diagnostic road to figure out why his bloodwork is awry. When Lucas was 3 weeks old he was hospitalized for poor weight gain (due to his tied tongue and inability to latch properly to eat) and a virus. Since that visit we have been doing monthly bloodwork (sometimes more often) to monitor those pesky liver enzyme levels that just won't go down. We were hopeful that the pediatric gastroenterologist would look at Luke and his bloodwork history and say, "He looks healty, these elevated liver enzyme levels must be normal for him, no need to worry, sorry you wasted the gas coming to Duke". Oh we were wrong.
So...we have done more bloodwork and a repeat abdominal ultrasound and are patiently waiting for all of the results. This is not a game parents like to play...wait and see. Especially because Duke has an online patient information and we can see his bloodwork results as they come in but have little idea what they mean. The Dr. did tell us to proceed as normal and hopefully we will get some answers at his next appointment.
Proceeding as normal....here is a little video of Lucas eating his first meal of rice cereal. He didn't like it :/
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Fun weekend!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sitting up supported
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
#13 Make and Drink a Pomegranate Martini
Pomegranate Martini
4 oz Pomegranate Juice
1 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Triple Sec
1/2 oz Champagne
Lemon juice and sugar garnish
Friday, February 11, 2011
5 months
You might remember my debate about whether or not we should schedule Lucas's eating/sleeping...well he currently has a routine (a term the other mothers in my Mommy and Me Yoga class prefer - and so do I). I tracked his eating for a few weeks and then set a loose guideline for his feedings that would hopefully curtail the hungry fussy monster. And it worked. He eats 6 times a day at roughly the same time and he is generally less fussy. I also learned that having a routine is great for mommies too because I have a better handle on what he is trying to tell me when he cries. I can also go about my life a little more carefree :)
His social development is going great...he will look for his mommy or daddy if he hears us from across the room, he smiles in response to a smile, laughs in response to a laugh, laughs when he farts (oh boy), and will try to entice you to laugh or smile at/with him. He usually sizes up a stranger before giving them the smile that could melt their heart (and usually does). He even smiles at the dogs and laughs at books.
His physical development is also right on target...he can raise his chest up supported by his arms, reach for objects, grasp things, keep his head level with his body when pulled to sitting, bear weight on his legs, and sometimes he will roll over.
But the biggest news is....he has a tooth! I just can't believe it! As exciting as this is, whenever I tell people about it they always feel the need to make a comment like, "ouch! that's gotta hurt" or "I guess he is going to move to solid foods now!" or some other reference to my nipples. It's not entirely unlike the inappropriate tummy touching or weight comments from when I was pregnant. Hello! This is my body! Please don't reference my nips again, thank you!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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