Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cincinnati Children's visit

It is official! Lucas had a successful visit at Cincinnati Children's Hospital :) The final results from his bloodwork this time showed no elevated liver enzymes and completely NORMAL organ function! Yay!! We have follow-up bloodwork in 6 months but other than that he is good to do more important sit in his toy bin :)

I must take a moment to reflect on the miracle of life. It will never cease to amaze me how precious the gift of life truly is. There are potential roadblocks and trials beginning at conception, continuing through pregnancy, and then lasting throughout life. At this moment I have either close friends or chance meetings with strangers that have revealed this truth. I pray for strength for those Mommies and Mommies-to-be every day and hope they feel my support.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Haircut

As you can tell from these first two pictures, Lucas was probably due for his first haircut a looooong time ago. It was beginning to look a little like Tom Brady in the back...and there were a few strands in front that were getting interlocked with his eyelashes. The final straw was on Halloween when more people thought he was a little girl than a boy. They didn't even ask if he was a boy or girl! Nope, they just skipped to, "oh, how old is she?" I don't know why I was putting it off so long. I guess I just feel like once those first little baby whisps are gone he officially is a toddler. And, sure enough...he looks so grown up with his freshly shorn locks.
He really did not enjoy the clippers

Sporting his best Magnum from Zoolander

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

Lucas dressed up as a pumpkin this year. We let him choose which costume he wanted and he liked the bright orange of the pumpkin over the pokey little puppy costume I thought he would like. I guess bright orange is way more fun than white and brown :) He wore it all day - to the library, the office, and the grocery and finally for trick or treat. We just sat outside and handed out treats rather than taking him to other houses and he had a great time seeing all the costumes the other kids were wearing. But I think his favorite part of the evening was walking around on the driveway with help from Daddy.
When I was little we actually went up to doors and rang the bell - this is the second place we have lived where people sit on their driveway instead. Is this what people do everywhere? Some of our neighbors even had their firepit going. Too bad ours rusted through from teh salty air in NC and didn't make the trip. It sure got cold around 7:30.

My attempt to have a toddler friendly halloweeny meal.