- Run a 5K
- Make my own ravioli
- Have one of my dogs become a canine good citizen
- Learn to sew
- Plant a garden
- Make applesauce
- Join and be active in a Bible study
- Learn to play a lifelong instrument
- Take ballroom dance classes with Ross
- Write a children's book
- Bake a cookie cake
- Have a zoo membership (or aquarium)
- Make and drink a pomegranate martini
- Make another baby
- Visit Erin and Ryan in NY for a fun NY weekend
- Make Lucas a Christmas stocking
- Read a Shakespearean play I have not yet read
- Find something I love at a garage sale and buy it
- Have beautiful Christmas presents that match
- Dress up for Halloween
- Host a dinner party
- Plant bulb flowers
- Volunteer somewhere
- Learn all the words to Amazing Grace by heart
- Go to a concert of a band or singer I really like
- Join (or start) a mommy/child group
- Take a cooking class
- Go to a play or musical
- Join a book club that is successful
- Become good at crocheting washcloths
Monday, January 31, 2011
30 Before 30
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Nightmares of mothers...
Friday, January 28, 2011
Who's toy is this?
Monday, January 24, 2011
A very Gille weekend
Another addition to the confusion this weekend is Ross's decision that it is time Lucas learned to put himself to sleep in his crib. According to the books you have to be careful that your baby learns how to self-soothe and if you wait too long they might become dependent on having your arms or a rocking motion to fall asleep. Lucas seems to be able to do this better at night when he is already beginning to drift off to la-la land. However, during the day I have been inclined to let him nap where he likes (he will often sleep for 1-2 hours in the boppy on the couch, in his rock and play sleeper in our room, in his boppy in his crib vs 20 min in his crib). I know part of my issue is my continuing fear that he will slip into failure to thrive mode. This is why having Ross and I both will hopefully help Lucas learn what he needs to learn when he needs to learn it.
For all those mothers and fathers out there...what is your philosophy on schedules for eating and sleeping? Is there an appropriate age when a schedule for one or the other is necessary? How about napping - is there a certain age when nap location trumps nap length? There are so many different approaches it is hard to wrap your head around it all. On the one hand, I do not want him to be crabby and out of sorts because he needs a schedule. While on the other hand, I don't want him to be so married to a schedule that he is unable to cope with sudden changes.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
4 months
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snow day
Sunday, January 9, 2011
High Chair Time
One benefit of having a high chair is that it is forcing us to start having family sit down meals at the table instead of standing at the counter or sitting in front of the TV. I mistakenly thought this would happen after we had a baby but it turns out that baby needed a chair first! This is a step in the right direction :) I won't review the high chair until I have more experience using it and see how it endures the test of time. After all, Lucas just sits in it right now and watches us eat or sportscenter with his daddy. Seriously...this morning for brunch he was looking at the TV and smiling at the bright football colors.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Product Review: Kindle
Thursday, January 6, 2011
New Years Resolutions
- To be more aware of my actions
I know - this is a serious resolution and covers a lot of ground, but I just can't continue living my life unaware. Instead of resolving to diet or work out more (let's be honest, these resolutions never come true) I want to be more aware of what I am doing to my body. Am I treating it right by eating properly and being physically active? Am I providing my mind with enough mental stimulation? Am I taking the necessary steps that will ensure a long and healthy life? Instead of resolving to save more or spend less (this seems nearly impossible to do in this increasingly paperless society), I want to be more aware of my family's financial situation. Where is the money going? Am I spending money on frivolous things? Are we successfully planning for our future? How will my decisions to consume today affect my family tomorrow? Instead of resolving to be a better mother, wife, friend, driver, etc., I want to be more aware of my impact on those around me. Am I in such a hurry driving that I cut others off? Am I saying something that is hurtful without realizing it until it is too late? Sometimes the way you phrase something can come across entirely wrong or you may discuss your good fortune before learning of another's trial. I guess what I am saying is, I hope to be more aware of my actions in order to become a better person to myself, my family, my friends, and even perfect strangers.
2. To be more present
There is nothing like the way having a baby can put your life into perspective. Let me try to explain...at several points in my life I have been too focused on the past or the future which has caused me to miss the present. I think my history of depression is partly to blame for this. There, I said it...it is out there. I have a history of depression. I recently came to terms with this fact and sought the help of the medical professionals placed in my life to help me out of my dark places. Society does not look favorably on depression - matters of the brain are scary and hard to understand. But my doctor helped me come to terms with it by explaining that it is nothing to be ashamed of - it isn't any different than someone who has allergies needing to take medication to get through their day. I learned that I had been living life like I was a passive observer watching someone else go through the motions, that I would "erase" whole portions of my memory when a friend or boyfriend broke my heart, or that I was constantly planning for the future so that I wouldn't have to live in the present. Finding out I was pregnant and having Lucas in my life has changed everything. Suddenly I am living each day from moment to moment and I LOVE it :) I feel so blessed and I want to resolve to continue down this path of living in the present and expand it to the other facets of my life...after all, I have an amazing husband and an adorable little boy to enjoy this life with :)