Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

38 weeks

We have made it to 38 weeks! Just some minor swelling (see my elephant feet below) and crampiness. Hurricane Earl did not send me into labor early, but I did have a minor freakout that I was leaking amniotic fluid. Turns out all is normal and progressing along and the baby could come any day now! Today at the dr's appointment the dr. was a little concerned about pre-eclampsia - so we did a few more tests. The non-stress test (?) was normal and the bloodwork is should be back soon to tell us everything is great. Other than that I am just going to relax and work on schoolwork!
Elephant feet


  1. What? My feet look like that on a regular basis. Besides I couldn't even tell if you had elephant feet because I couldn't get past the sandals. They are way cute! So you do know that once you are within a week of your due date you have to update your blog everyday with short comments letting us all know your status, right? It's like one of the conditions of having a blog if you are pregnant.

  2. Lol! I guess I do have abnormally skinny feet. I normally wear these sandals on the tightest buckle and on this day they were on the largest! Plus my feet are falling off the sides :) Oh well! I love these sandals - I got them when I had a sprained ankle and had to dress up for Ross's graduation.

    I think I can update on a daily basis starting next week. I feel like I am walking on pins and needles right now. The Dr.s keep saying it is going to be really soon and I might not make my next appointment, etc. I guess we shall see!


  3. Jamie-- too funny!! i used to complain about my boney ankles-- after being prego, never again will i complain about boney ankles! AHAH you look great!
