Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Hello! I know...this picture is from the front and doesn't show off the belly too great. However, it does show off my new outfit that I love :) Last weekend Ross and I went to the beach and then shopping and he was the best hubbie ever - he sat in the maternity store and watched me try on 1 million outfits and then helped me decide which ones looked the best. Now I have some summery clothes for this crazy hot weather! Yes, it reached 100 degrees two days this week and having only one pair of mat shorts suddenly was not enough. This is a problem are pregnant for 3 seasons which can put a damper on the pocketbook if you live somewhere that is less temperate than others. So, I must thank Trisha and Lori for giving me some of their mat clothes. I am eternally grateful :)

In other news...our baby furniture is on the way! I have been monitoring the availability of the pieces we want (Baby cache - uptown) and just recently they showed up in Raliegh. This is 100-120 miles away which is the closest they have ever been. So now we have money down and they are on the way to Wilmington. Yaay! I was beginning to worry we wouldn't be able to get them because all the reviews online were about how hard it was to find them. I guess patience is the key.

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