Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 14, 2011

6 months

Lucas turned 6 months this week...I can't believe how fast this time is going! It seems like just yesterday we were on our way to the hospital and I was super excited to meet my new bundle of joy while at the same time I was scared to death about becoming a mother. Funny how adaptable we are...Now I love being a mom and introducing Lucas to everything my imagination can fathom.

Lucas did great at the Dr.'s office. I guess 6 months is the golden age for pediatricians because every nurse, doctor, and staff member at the office cooed over him and talked about how this is their favorite age. The appointment began with me filling out a questionnaire about his development and he fell into the normal range for all areas they were concerned about - gross motor skills, fine motor skills, communication, social/emotional interaction, and problem solving skills. Yay! The doctor then checked him all over and found that his hips are pretty tight for a baby his age. Tomorrow we are going to have an x-ray to make sure everything is ok. She seemed to think it might be because he has strong legs and was resisting when she tried to roll his legs out. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case because he kicks his legs ALL the time and prefers "standing" with a little help. So, we shall see! And then the appointment ended with the vaccines and a feeding schedule handout for me to follow (it is just some general guidelines recommended by the office). One general observation - I am sooooo glad adults don't have to strip down to our birthday suits when we go to the doctor. Can you imagine how uncomfortable that would be?!?!?! are his 6 month stats:
Weight - 15 lbs. 10.5oz. - 21%
Height - 26.75 inch. - 66%
Head circumference - 43 cm. - 33%

Other developmental milestones: He can keep his head level with his body when pulled to sitting, bear weight on legs when held upright, sit with support, turn in the direction of a voice, razz, work to get a toy out of reach, pass an object from one hand to another, look for a dropped object, rake with fingers to get an object, roll both ways.


  1. What a great report! Love the milestones. Nonni

  2. He's totally a hat guy!!!! LOVE this picture :). Congrats on all the successful milestones!!

    Aunt Trisha
