Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

We had a whirlwind trip to Ohio for the Christmas holiday... too much fun!!

Annika, Gavin, Hilary, Gretchen, Wesley, Lucas

Play time!

Lucas with Aunt Trisha!

Check out the bump-it action

Santa suit

Columbus family Christmas

Tummy time with Mortimer the Moose

Isn't this hilarious?

Lucas with Aunt Kimberly and Uncle Keisuke
Lucas with Tricia and Juan
Hanging out with Grandpa

Friday, December 17, 2010

Uh Oh!

Well....Lizzie will do anything to come to Ohio with us for the holidays. While we were on vacation in Hawaii the Dog Club owner called us about Lizzie having what appeared to be stress colitis (she is afraid of storms and a pretty big one rolled through shortly after we left). They took her to the vet and she was put on an antibiotic, probiotic, and bland diet. By the time we got home all was well...or so we thought! She soon started eating grass to make herself be sick and couldn't keep any food down. Back to the vet for xrays which revealed a suspicious area in the bowel then an ultrasound which confirmed a foriegn body (no - not a body from a different country). She had surgery the next day and the vet found one of Luke's newborn soothie pacifiers followed by a ridiculous amount of grass. Oh Lemon. What are we going to do with you?!?!?!?!?!?
21 staples

Bumbo time!

Check out my brown eyes :) Just like Daddy!

Play time

Here is a little video of Luke playing in his play yard. He found this leaf that makes a crackly noise with his feet and just kicked away. He also has been working very hard on bringing his hands together - he will do this over and over again with this serious look of concentration on his face - he starts doing this toward the end of this video. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Sorry it has been so long since my last post...we went on our first family vacation with Lucas to Hawaii! We had so much fun! We stayed with family at Kailua beach and spent the majority of days out and about and the evenings with the family. This ended up being perfect for traveling with an infant because there was an "at home" feeling for the little guy :) He did great on the plane(s), he ate during the ascent and descent and slept for the duration. In fact several people went out of their way to comment on what a good flyer he was (maybe they were concerned at the beginning of the flight). Vacation with a baby is soooooo different from vacation before - everything takes so much more planning and time to get ready (I never got to do my hair and one day I didn't even get a shower!), everyone gets sleepy sooner (Luke stayed on EST while we adjusted to Hawaii time), mom and dad never get to swim in the ocean or snorkle together (someone has to hold the baby), no time for shopping or the spa, and I had only 2 island drinks. Ha! We had a fabulous time despite these differences. Welcome the baby years!

Here is a picture summary of the trip:
Lucas sleeping on the first plane

Hiking at Makapuu

Macadamia Nut Farm

Lucas being held by Aunt Taryn

The family at Hanauma Bay

Grant looking at Luke like - just roll over already!!

Daddy and Luke at the pool

Mommy and Luke with a Luau dancer

Luke catching some zzz's at Waikiki beach

Sea Turtles at Turtle Beach

Ross and Matt swimming

Catchi9ng some zzz's at Bellows Field Beach Park

Carter the Paleontologist

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend! Ross had a really long break - off early on Tuesday and doesn't have to go back until next Tuesday (he did have to muster on Wednesday and Monday - just stop in at the base and say "hi"). So we had a great time hanging out and spending time with our little family watching the Macy's day parade, football, and going for a walk on Thursday. My parents and little sister made the trip from Ohio to spend the holiday with us and drove the entire way on Thanksgiving day, so Ross and I had lunch meat sandwiches and an apple for lunch while they had Burger King and then we all had some leftover chicken taco soup and roast beef for dinner. Our Thanksgiving meal was on Friday (we had quite a turnout - 10 friends and family!!) and we made too much food (of course). Saturday was Leanna's birthday so after watching Ohio State beat the pants off michigan we went to an Italian restaurant here in Wilmington that she likes and then had some cake. It was a pretty low key weekend - just hanging out enjoying each other's company and playing pass the baby. Luke loves his aunt Leanna, Babbie and Grandpa and had lots of smiles for them.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Marine Corps!

Last night we went to the 235th Marine Corps birthday ball in downtown Wilmington...and it actually turned out to be a nice night. The last time Ross and I went to the ball (2 years ago) there was no dancing and everyone left after dinner or did not show up! This year was a different story with a crazy DJ and full tables. Of course, it was the first time Lucas had a babysitter. He did great hanging out with Heather Lane for the night :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rolling Over

Here is a video of Luke rolling over! He is so adorable :)

I have noticed that I have been calling Luke "Lucas" when I talk and "Luke" when I write. I don't know what that means or which one will finally stick. Time will tell!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New do!

Check out my new mom hair cut! I honestly never understood why so many women cut their hair after having a baby until I became a mom... suddenly you have been cooped up in the house for what seems like an eternity, you rarely have time to wash AND dry your hair so it is up in a ponytail everyday, and your baby likes to grab onto your hair and hasn't learned how to let go (sometimes you find yourself face to face with a crying baby trying to shsh, soothe, bounce, give a pacifier, and pry their hands open at the same time). When I found myself at the hair salon I was showing Hannah some pictures and she was like, "so you want this shape or you actually want to go this short?" And although I was planning on just mimicking the shape, for some reason I said "cut it off!" I almost had a panic attack on the ride home but I am settling into my new look now :)

I have also recently started using coverup and pressed powder to hide the circles under my eyes and so far I have not had a major breakout. Thank goodness! I have been avoiding these products my entire life because I thought they would clog my pores and turn me into pizza face. Ahhhh how becoming a mother can change your perspective :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

2 months!

Lucas is 2 months old and doing great according to the Dr.! He went in for his 2 month well baby checkup yesterday and had to have 7 vaccines (administered in 3 shots). It seemed like an awful lot for such a little guy but he did great. I know there is a lot of debate about whether or not children should be vaccinated...I will just tell you that I believe in modern medicine and the advances we have made thus far so I have no problem preventing my child from getting something like polio via a vaccine. Here is my rant: About 100 years ago the medical field decided to focus on acute illnesses by separating the body from the mind and treating for quantity of life vs. quality. At this point I believe they have significantly impacted this goal because people are dying less from acute illnesses than ever before (thanks in part to vaccines). The challenge for the medical community now is to shift gears a bit and focus on the chronic illnesses that are the primary killers; for example, cancer, heart disease, alzheimer's, and diabetes. This means the body and mind must be put back together and the medical community will have to focus on quality of life. This is just now beginning and I hope that significant strides will be made in my lifetime for obvious reasons. This does not mean we should forget about all the advances that hve been made for acute illnesses! There, I am done.
Dr. Gaylord is happy with the growth curves he is following at this point. Such a relief! Not only is he growing like a weed, he is also beginning to socialize more and accomplish other developmental milestones... He can smile in response to a smile and spontaneously, vocalize in a way other than crying (he learned how to cough the other day and has been fake coughing and laughing at himself ever since), roll over, follow an object moved 180 degrees, and lift his head 90 degrees during tummy time. Something he can do that is not in the books - sometimes when his pacifier falls out of his mouth he can somehow get it back in on his own by fishing for it or using his fist. He is quite an amazing little baby boy :)
Here are his 2 month stats:
Height: 23.25 inch (88th percentile)
Weight: 10 lb, 10 oz. (39th percentile)
Head circumference: 39.1 (62nd percentile)
Bompa came for a surprise visit!

Hanging out in his swing

A cute face he makes when he is cooing

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Product Review: Diapers

My mom used to tell me this story about my older sister and me... she was carrying us into the grocery store when we both had an accident - on her (one pee and one poo). So, she turned around and went home, thankful that it happened in the parking lot and not the produce section. I'm not going to lie...this story scared me from the thought of having kids for a very long time (I really don't like to be dirty).

As of today, it is official, Luke pooped on me. I had just changed his diaper 10 minutes prior to the incident so it caught me by complete surprise. I didn't even realize it had happened to the extent it did until I put him on the changing I had Luke with saturated pj's, me with poo down my arm, a dirty swaddling blanket, and a dirty changing pad cover. There was no ideal answer to how to clean this up. If I somehow managed to clean him up and put a new diaper on - it would get dirty from the changing pad cover. If I put him down in his crib to change the cover, then the sheets would get dirty. If I somehow changed him without getting him dirty again and then picked him up - my arm would get him dirty!!! Ahhhh!!! The only answer was bathtime...clean him as best as I could, run with naked baby to the bathtub and hope he doesn't pee on me too, clean him and my arm, dress him in crib, change changing pad cover, take a shower. ahhhh mommy and baby are clean again :)

This leads me to my first product review: diapers. Before Luke arrived, I had debated extensively the merits of paper vs. cloth and every option in between. I really liked the idea of gDiapers which are a hybrid option with a flushable insert that a friend of mine loves. Unfortunately this wasn't an option for economic reasons. So, we have tried quite a few others... keep in mind these reviews are based on my baby and his anatomy (flat butt, skinny legs).

  • Earth's Best - may be best for the earth but they are not absorbant enough to prevent leakage. Keep in mind this leakage came through the diaper not out of the diaper.

  • Huggies- Do not stay on a flat butt baby (FBB). Each time I went to change him the diaper had slid to his knees and there was a mess.

  • Huggies Pure and Natural - same as above but with the cutest design.

  • Pampers - Pretty decent in absorbancy and fit (when he isn't between sizes). The only problem is the height of the diaper. Luke is very long and skinny. When he has to move up a size, the new diaper is way too long and has to be pulled really tight to prevent leaks.

  • Papers swaddlers - Great for absorbancy and fit. I would venture to say these diapers are almost too good. Many times he has gone potty without anyone realizing it because it wicks away the mess preventing him from feeling it and they are scented so it is hard for the parents to tell. Many times I went to change him and the inner layer was stuck to his bottom because it had been dirty so long :(

  • Seventh Generation - Great for absorbancy and fit as long as it isn't too big of a mess!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Lucas had his frenectomy last week - which means the small flap of skin that attaches his tongue to the bottom of his mouth has been snipped allowing him to stick his tongue out and suck properly. Yea! Also, he aced his follow up weight check appointment so he is officially good to go :)

I heard someone say the other day (I think it was Ellen - yes, I am an Ellen junkie) that it seems strange that the more important things you do in life seem to come without instruction manuals - raising a child is one of them. I would agree with this statement based in my short 7 week experience. I always thought having and raising a child was going to be the most natural thing in the world because it is what our bodies were made to do and is something humankind has been doing since we were created. However, I can't help but wonder how we have come this far for those unnatural situations - for example, would a prehistoric or biblical time version of me have the support and knowledge to have a frenectomy performed on Lucas? Most likely not. In fact, maybe Lucas would not have made it because of his tied tongue and inability to get the proper amount of nourishment from his mommy. What a tragic thought! I guess right now I am feeling a bit smug in the eye of survival of the fittest - take that evolution! My beautiful boy is healthy and thriving despite the odds :)

For those modern day mothers who may experience the same thing, this is what I have learned...

Pediatricians used to routinely perform frenectomys within the first few days of birth. Now it is not even something they seem to look for at well-baby checkups after you leave the hospital. Even when the baby is having weight gain issues. If it weren't for the lactation consultants at the hospital suggesting the procedure, Lucas would probably be a formula fed baby (not that there is anything wrong with that, I think there are countless good reasons for formula feeding). What is even crazier about pediatricians not looking for this condition is that a tied tongue can also impact speech and oral health as an adult. Sometimes I feel like I am taking crazy pills! Anyway, apparently pediatricians got away from snipping in the past few generations. I wonder why.... a few guesses: 1. the push to feed babies formula of the 1970's (or was it the 80's? 60's?), 2. the revolution of the medical industry by insurance companies, 3. fear of medical malpractice claims, 4. the large groups of doctors who work together to cover the on-call medical emergencies (I don't have a problem with this - it just makes continuity of care during those first moments of life nearly impossible). Whatever the reason may be, Lucas had to have his frenectomy done by an ENT, pediatric dentist or oral surgeon. We were lucky because he was referred to an ENT who will do the procedure during an office visit using a topical anesthetic. Thank goodness he did not have to be put under general!

Whatever. Here are the facts - If you want to breastfeed and your baby is tongue-tied you will experience lots of pain at the nipple because of a poor latch. In fact Lucas continually fell off latch because he couldn't do it! How terrible is it that even if you grit your teeth and curl your toes through the pain of poor latching, your baby will become so exhausted from the struggle of feeding that he/she will not be able to empty the breast (depleting milk supply) and will end up burning more calories than he/she can ingest (causing weight loss). Your baby will also have a LOT of gas and possibly act painful when pooping (I hate to think he was in pain, but maybe he was). A frenectomy can help alleviate these problems. BUT, when he/she has the procedure done there will be lots of screaming, crying, and blood and you will question whether you made the right decision because no mother wants to see their baby in pain. I want to warn you that this is not an instant solution! Now you and your baby will have to re-learn how to breastfeed (yea! sore nipples again!). For Lucas we had to continue topping him off after each feeding with a bottle of expressed milk or formula to make sure he didn't lose weight again. In three days he gained 5 ounces, so now it is time for tough love - breastfeeding only until we have it down.
I am just thankful it is over... and thankful for all the support and prayers from family and friends
Resting after the surgery
No more frenulum!

Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Gearing Up for Game Day

Better be well rested for the big game...

So I can cheer for all those touchdowns!

And talk about Heisman hopefuls :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Week in the Life...

Lucas is doing great this week... his weight is up (he has outgrown newborn diapers and most clothes) and his liver enzymes are down. Pretty much he just eats, sleeps, and poops all day long :) Next week he has a Frenulechtomy (sp?) scheduled on Wednesday which means he will soon be tongue-tied-less! I am so super excited about this because after the procedure he will be able to breastfeed normally, I will not have to pump after every feeding and he will not have to have a supplementary bottle; basically we will be able to have a more normal feeding experience. Below are some cute pictures :)

Passed out after tummy time

The Thinker

My green stripe wearing men

Sunday, October 10, 2010

1 Month

Luke is 1 month old! It is hard to believe that much time has gone by already - I guess it is when you become a parent that time moves into warp speed. Despite the many medical setbacks this month Luke has reached several developmental milestones... he is able to focus on a face, he can push his head (at a 90 degree angle) and upper body off the ground when he is on his tummy, he responds to noise, vocalizes in a way other than crying, and he even rolled over! I couldn't believe he rolled over so I placed him on his tummy again and he did it a second time right away...he has not done this again since being in the hospital when his IV was in the way :( It will not be long before he does it again I am sure. He is beginning to stay awake for a slightly longer time now which is exciting because we get to interact with him a little more.
One of my all-time favorite books is Where the Red Fern Grows, which is about a boy and his dogs. Maybe it is because of this book that I am anxious to make sure he has a good relationship with Archie and Lizzie. Today I started having them interact more by propping Luke up on them while they were laying down. It was cute to see his reaction to his fuzzy poodle and motherly GSP. Lizzie was really still and just looked at him while Archie licked the spit-up off his face. Archie did growl a little, which I totally did not expect. I will need to work on this a little more (Archie is starting to be really jealous of Luke and has been getting into things he shouldn't). At any rate, it looks like the beginning of a beautiful relationship :)