Holy bajoly... apparently having a mom body means more than a flabby belly and dark circles under your eyes. It also means you are at risk for tendonitis from holding your baby too much. How rude is that?!?!? I started having difficulty opening jars and wringing out dishrags but didn't think too much of it - when I casually mentioned it to my dr., she referred me to an orthopedic surgeon's office (what?!?!?!?!). And it turns out tendonitis is very common for new moms. The PA I saw mentioned that she had it with her first child so bad she couldn't even open a door! So now I get to sport this oh so cool wrist stabilizer. Interesting enough more people try to offer me assistance now. I guess I look a sore sight when I am out juggling a million things :) Other things to note in the above picture - Lucas has only one sock on. I think one foot has grown quicker than the other and now he perpetually is missing a sock. Also, I am wearing my favorite jeans from pre-pregnancy! I actually was able to fit into them a few weeks ago but decided not to blog about it until they passed the freshly washed test. Yay!
This is how I found Lucas the other morning. He may look like his daddy everywhere else but he has McConnell feet!
This is how I found Lucas the other morning. He may look like his daddy everywhere else but he has McConnell feet!
You know, there must be a one sock phenomenom with babies because all of the babies at Wes's daycare that don't wear shoes always only have one sock on. Never Wes though...bubble socks, they are a miracle.