Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 1, 2010

Update From the Hospital

Luke got admitted to the hospital today after his appointment with the pediatrician. The doctors had a few concerns that they wanted to get checked out - heart murmur, continued jaundice, and weight loss - and thought it'd be easiest to accomplish the required tests at the hospital. We've been here since noon and the little guy has been a trooper through all of the poking and prodding. His blood tests came back and showed high levels of liver enzymes, causing the doctors to be concerned about meningitis. They are currently doing a lumbar puncture on him to get a sample of CSF to test, and while waiting for the results will start him on antibacterials and antivirals. Luke seems to be feeling fine, so it's all a bit of a shock to think that he may indeed have meningitis. Prayers are appreciated!

Sad but cute picture of Luke with his IV

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