Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 10, 2010

1 Month

Luke is 1 month old! It is hard to believe that much time has gone by already - I guess it is when you become a parent that time moves into warp speed. Despite the many medical setbacks this month Luke has reached several developmental milestones... he is able to focus on a face, he can push his head (at a 90 degree angle) and upper body off the ground when he is on his tummy, he responds to noise, vocalizes in a way other than crying, and he even rolled over! I couldn't believe he rolled over so I placed him on his tummy again and he did it a second time right away...he has not done this again since being in the hospital when his IV was in the way :( It will not be long before he does it again I am sure. He is beginning to stay awake for a slightly longer time now which is exciting because we get to interact with him a little more.
One of my all-time favorite books is Where the Red Fern Grows, which is about a boy and his dogs. Maybe it is because of this book that I am anxious to make sure he has a good relationship with Archie and Lizzie. Today I started having them interact more by propping Luke up on them while they were laying down. It was cute to see his reaction to his fuzzy poodle and motherly GSP. Lizzie was really still and just looked at him while Archie licked the spit-up off his face. Archie did growl a little, which I totally did not expect. I will need to work on this a little more (Archie is starting to be really jealous of Luke and has been getting into things he shouldn't). At any rate, it looks like the beginning of a beautiful relationship :)

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