Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 11, 2010

2 months!

Lucas is 2 months old and doing great according to the Dr.! He went in for his 2 month well baby checkup yesterday and had to have 7 vaccines (administered in 3 shots). It seemed like an awful lot for such a little guy but he did great. I know there is a lot of debate about whether or not children should be vaccinated...I will just tell you that I believe in modern medicine and the advances we have made thus far so I have no problem preventing my child from getting something like polio via a vaccine. Here is my rant: About 100 years ago the medical field decided to focus on acute illnesses by separating the body from the mind and treating for quantity of life vs. quality. At this point I believe they have significantly impacted this goal because people are dying less from acute illnesses than ever before (thanks in part to vaccines). The challenge for the medical community now is to shift gears a bit and focus on the chronic illnesses that are the primary killers; for example, cancer, heart disease, alzheimer's, and diabetes. This means the body and mind must be put back together and the medical community will have to focus on quality of life. This is just now beginning and I hope that significant strides will be made in my lifetime for obvious reasons. This does not mean we should forget about all the advances that hve been made for acute illnesses! There, I am done.
Dr. Gaylord is happy with the growth curves he is following at this point. Such a relief! Not only is he growing like a weed, he is also beginning to socialize more and accomplish other developmental milestones... He can smile in response to a smile and spontaneously, vocalize in a way other than crying (he learned how to cough the other day and has been fake coughing and laughing at himself ever since), roll over, follow an object moved 180 degrees, and lift his head 90 degrees during tummy time. Something he can do that is not in the books - sometimes when his pacifier falls out of his mouth he can somehow get it back in on his own by fishing for it or using his fist. He is quite an amazing little baby boy :)
Here are his 2 month stats:
Height: 23.25 inch (88th percentile)
Weight: 10 lb, 10 oz. (39th percentile)
Head circumference: 39.1 (62nd percentile)
Bompa came for a surprise visit!

Hanging out in his swing

A cute face he makes when he is cooing

1 comment:

  1. He is the cutest baby boy ever! I cannt wait to see him on Thanksgiving. Babbie
